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Little shop with a big heart...

016977 3775

14 Front Street, Brampton Cumbria CA8 1NG

Allergy Testing

The next date for allergy testing is Monday 9th September 2024.

If you are suffering from:
- Headaches/Migraine
- Tiredness
- Being Overweight
- Bloating
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Skin Rashes
- Arthritis

Why not have an Allergy/Food Intolerance test?

The test is safe and simple and is suitable for all ages, performed by a highly trained and experienced practitioner, and includes Allergy Testing, Food Intolerance Guide, Vitamin Analysis and Mineral Testing.

The test used is a Vega Test which is an alternative electrical method of testing for food and chemical sensitivity. The test is painless and involves holding a metal rod in one hand and gently touching a finger on the other hand with a light pen. This is intended to read a change in your body’s energy field which is the result of a sensitivity to the substance being tested.

The results will be given in writing and you will also be given a full dietary explanation and advice on any foods which may need to be replaced or omitted from your diet, including advice on replacement foods.

If you would like to book a test please call into Half Moon Wholefoods, 14 Front Street, Brampton, Cumbria CA8 1NG or telephone 016977 3775.

The total cost of the full test is £55.00

Next Date: Monday 9th September 2024.