January Detox – Remember Milk Thistle and Dandelion!

Dandelion DetoxA lot of us are guilty of over-indulging in both food and drink over the festive period. Coupled with New Years Resolutions that drive people to improve their health, this makes January a very popular month for people detoxing.

Detoxification is the removal (either physiologically or medicinally) of toxins from the body, and at this time of year many people will be on an alcohol detox. As you’re probably aware, alcohol can seriously damage your liver so a detox that focuses on your liver is often a great idea.

Some signs that you may have a toxic liver, and could therefore benefit from a detox:

  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Spots, acne or other skin conditions
  • Fatigue

Two of the most effective substances to aid detoxification of the liver are Dandelion and Milk Thistle. The taraxacin and choline found in dandelion stimulate the liver, and the substance silymarin in milk thistle is both an anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant. Some research suggests that as well helping those with alcohol-related liver disease, milk thistle can also aid the repair of a liver that has been damaged by industrial toxins, most commonly toluene and xylene.

We recommend the A. Vogel range of products if you want to detox your liver, namely the A. Vogel Dandelion Drops and A. Vogel Milk Thistle Complex Drops.