Serrapeptase – a natural alternative to anti-inflammatory medicines

Serrapeptase is a naturally occurring enzyme and was discovered by a German doctor and scientist some 30 years ago in the digestive tract of silk worms. Silk worms produce serrapeptase to break down cocoon walls and scientists thought that this may help humans to break down clots and dead tissue that accumulates in our bodies.

Studies have since shown that this naturally occurring enzyme has anti-inflammatory, pain relief properties. Serrapeptase dissolves non-living tissue such as blood clots, cysts, arterial plaque and all inflamed tissue into harmless amino acids which the body then treats as normal waste products and are dispersed naturally.

Serrapeptase now has wide clinical use and has been found to be a good substitute for Ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory drugs. There is a growing list of conditions that have been found to respond to Serrapeptase including arthritis, bronchitis, sinusitis, blocked arteries, fibrocystic breast disease and emphysema.

Serrapeptase is a natural product and, in over 25 years of studies and usage, no harmful side effects have been found. Serrapeptase can be taken in capsule or tablet form as a health supplement.

Click here for Natures Aid Serrapeptase tablets.